Location: 5601 NE Antioch Road Suite 5 Gladstone, MO 64119 Call: (816) 455-1200

Dental Implant Care and Maintenance

Dental implants are the next best thing to having strong teeth. They are built to be a cost-efficient and long-lasting replacement for your damaged tooth. There are many advantages to having dental implants such as improved speech and more comfort in eating your favorite food.

At Happy Rock Dental, we want your smile to be long lasting. So here’s some more helpful information on how to take care of your new teeth.

Implant Home Care Guidelines

  • Post Procedure:

There will be gauze placed on your tooth by the dentist to control the bleeding. Make sure that you bite on it gently for it to stay in place. It may then be removed after one hour. If bleeding continues, you may change your gauze every 30 minutes or call your dentist. Also make sure to only take cold drinks after the surgery and not have any hot beverage or warm food intake as to not trigger any more bleeding.

It is also important to take note that you may experience swelling on your gums after the procedure and this might continue on up to 3 days. Putting on cold compress like an ice pack on the cheek of the operated area will help lessen the swelling. Do this every 30 minutes for the first 24 hours. It may also be helpful to not sleep on the swollen area for the first few nights after the surgery

  • Cautions:

In the occurrence of pain, make sure to take the prescribed medication by your dentist.  This soreness will usually be felt within the first few hours after the anesthesia wears off. Continue taking the medication regularly as directed by your dentist to help manage the discomfort. If severe pain continues after a few days, make sure to tell your dentist.

  • Days after the procedure:

When eating, again, avoid hot food or drinks for the first few days of your surgery. It is also important to note that you should not be using a straw to avoid putting any more pressure on the area of surgery. Only eat soft and easy to chew food such as pureed fruits and vegetables, ice cream, smoothies, mashed potatoes, and Jell-o. Don’t forget to take in as much fluid as you can too! You can return to your normal diet after a few days or as directed by your dentist.

Limit your physical activities to a minimum after the surgery. Exhausting yourself in any physical activity might cause bleeding, nausea, and even vomiting because of the light diet you are having. You may continue with your regular exercise or physical activities 2-3 days after the operation.

Due to the strenuous procedure, you might feel stiff jaw muscles. This is normal to experience within a week of the surgery. By gently massaging or stretching the stiff area, you can manage the discomfort.

After Restoration Helpful Tips

  • After your surgery, avoid touching the area with your tongue or fingers to avoid any infection.
  • Take Care by keeping your mouth fresh and clean.
  • Brush your teeth gently at the evening of your surgery but make sure not to touch the operated area. You may use saltwater rinse or any oral rinse prescribed by your dentist after brushing.
  • Do not rinse your mouth forcefully nor gargle, instead just immerse the operated area for a few seconds than slowly spit out.
  • Smoking is also highly discouraged days after the surgery.
  • If you have any oral dentures, avoid wearing them for the first week after your operation for faster recovery of the operated area.
  • Lastly, make sure to take your prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection in the operated area.

While dental implants are made to be durable and advantageous to those needing it, we always have to keep in mind that the success of having this kind of operation also depends on how we take care of our teeth. Always practice good oral hygiene especially after your oral surgery.  Our dental office cares, so if you have questions post operation, please contact us!



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